Home City Of Deerfield Beach Curfew Still In Effect- Latest Updates From City of Deerfield Beach

Curfew Still In Effect- Latest Updates From City of Deerfield Beach


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-From Broward.org and Deerfield-Beach.com


July 20, 2020 4:28 PM County Takes Further Action as Number of Virus Cases Spikes

The number of COVID-19 cases continues to climb, along with positivity rates. In the past week, Broward has experienced more than 1,300 new cases each day and positivity rates as high as 16.58%. Our hospitals are either at or are exceeding their bed capacity.

It is important for residents and businesses to understand the role they play in reducing these alarming statistics, by following reopening guidelines and requirements for social distancing and wearing facial coverings.

To help residents understand the magnitude of the pandemic in our community, Broward County is now posting a daily statistical dashboard of COVID-19 indicators (e.g. number of cases, positivity rates, hospitalizations, hospital capacities, and deaths).

County Administrator Bertha Henry has also issued Emergency Order 20-22, which implements new restrictions to help curtail large social gatherings, including house parties, street parties and other activities that are contributing to community spread of the virus:

Curfew – Effective July 17, 2020 at 11PM and until August 1, 2020, all of Broward County is under a curfew from 11PM to 5AM. Exemptions to the curfew include: active duty police, fire rescue, first responders, news media, delivery or transportation drivers, government employees, persons seeking emergency medical care and medical, health care and utility service personnel. Also exempt are individuals traveling to and from their place of employment, returning to their homes after commercial travel, and persons walking their pets within 250 feet of their residence.

Private Gatherings – Effective immediately, private gatherings at a residential property, single-family or otherwise, indoors and/or outdoors, are limited to no more than 10 individuals. Persons present at such gatherings shall be individually liable for violations of this Order and subject to civil and criminal penalties. The owner(s) of the residential property are also liable for violations that occur on their property, whether or not they are in residence or on site at the time of the violation. Residents of any private residential property, whether they own or rent, must ensure all persons on their property comply with the guidelines, subject to civil and criminal penalties.

Vacation Rentals – Short-term vacation rentals that are not actively managed by on-site owners or on-site management companies with staffing or security on site 24 hours a day to enforce compliance with all the requirements, are not permitted to operate, effective for check-ins commencing on or after July 20, 2020 through August 20, 2020.

Restaurant Operations – Ordering food or beverage from a bar counter is strictly prohibited. Effective immediately, restaurant patrons must order and consume food and drinks at a table, following all other requirements as outlined in previously issued operating guidelines.

Gym and Fitness Center Operations – Effective immediately, all persons shall wear a facial covering at all times while using or visiting a gym or fitness center, including while exercising.

Signage Requirements – Effective July 20, 2020 at 12:01AM, owners, operators and landlords of commercial property at which any retail, restaurant or food establishment is located must ensure compliance by those establishments with the signage requirements of Emergency Order 20-17, and must also ensure the required signage is conspicuously posted in common areas of the property such as mall entrances, food courts and hallways.

Individuals in our community have a personal responsibility to adhere to the guidelines and do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The new Order strongly recommends that any person who tests positive for COVID-19, or who is experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, immediately:

– self-isolate to the greatest extent possible and avoid
– contact with any other person
– avoid visiting establishments and amenities except
when medically necessary
– avoid use of common areas such as shared kitchens,
laundry rooms or recreational facilities, especially in
shared housing or multi-housing developments

Businesses in our community must adhere to the guidelines governing their operations, and patrons of reopened business are encouraged to report violations, which may result in warnings, citations, fines and/or business closures. Through July 15, County and municipal code and law enforcement teams have issued 57 citations and 768 warnings. Residents are urged to call 311 or visit MyBroward.Broward.org to anonymously report violations.

The new Order also updates the following attachments for business guidance: Attachment 2 (Restaurants and Food Establishments), Attachment 5 (Movie Theaters); Attachment 6 (Community Rooms, Fitness Centers and Gyms in Housing Developments); and Attachment 14 (Commercial Gyms and Fitness Centers).

For ongoing updates, visit Broward.org/Coronavirus.

Prior Updates

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June 30, 2020 7:30 AMBroward County Orders Beaches Closed for July 4th Weekend

DFB International Fishing Pier will be open for fishing only, and pier parking will only be open to anglers. There will be no sightseeing on the pier from July 3rd – 5th. Individuals are still welcome to exercise on the boardwalk, but no lounging, swimming, surfing, or sunbathing will be allowed. The County message is below. To read the complete order checkout the COVID-19 page and click “Executive Orders.”

BROWARD COUNTY, FL – The number of COVID-19 cases continues to surge across Florida, with increases in all South Florida counties, and particularly in Broward. On Sunday, after consultation with Municipal Mayors, the Mayor of Miami-Dade County and the Administrator of Palm Beach County, Mayor Dale V.C. Holness announced the closure of Broward County beaches over the Fourth of July weekend.

June 29, Deputy County Administrator Monica Cepero issued Emergency Order 20-19, which officially closes the beaches from 12:01AM on Friday, July 3, through 11:59PM on Sunday, July 5. The Order also clearly identifies the entities authorized to enforce the closure and sets forth consequences for non-compliance, including civil and criminal penalties.

“Like all Floridians, Broward County is closely monitoring the percentage of positive cases of COVID-19. Although closing our beaches on a holiday weekend may be an unpopular decision for some, it is the responsible action for the County to take. Broward County and its municipalities take public safety actions seriously, as we believe it will help mitigate the spread of the virus and protect our residents and our community,” said Cepero.

The Order sets the minimum standards for compliance, however municipalities may establish more stringent standards within their jurisdictions, to the extent allowed by law.

Residents are reminded to stay home if they are able, wash their hands often, observe social distancing and wear a facial covering in public. Social distancing and facial coverings when in public areas are required in Broward County, and are critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19.

Date: June 29, 2020

Media Contact:

Lori Shepard, Media Liaison

Office of Public Communications

[email protected]


June 24, 2020 4:30 PMCounty Order Outlines Penalties for Establishments Violating Reopening Guidelines
(To view message with working links go to City News)Broward County and Florida Department of Health officials continue to closely monitor the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in our community and in the State, which unfortunately are climbing.

While Broward County has been cautious and judicious with the reopening of business activity, the latest statistics clearly demonstrate that success at controlling the spread of the virus depends upon business and resident compliance with reopening guidelines and restrictions.

Accordingly, County Administrator Bertha Henry issued Emergency Order 20-18 today, which outlines penalties for establishments that fail to comply with Emergency Orders mandating sanitization, social distancing, facial coverings and other requirements intended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. All prior Emergency Orders also remain in effect.

The new Order is effective Friday, June 26, 2020 and states that:

• Establishments cited for operating in violation of any County Emergency Order shall immediately close for a minimum 24-hour period.

• They may reopen after 24 hours, provided they 1) conduct a thorough review of applicable Emergency Orders and take all necessary measures to bring the establishment into compliance and 2) submit and receive notice of acceptance of attestation, under penalty of perjury by the owner, general manager, or chief executive officer of the establishment, emailed to the County at [email protected].

• Once the attestation is received and accepted, the establishment will be inspected by local code enforcement or law enforcement authorities, within five calendar days after reopening, to confirm that the violation has been corrected.

• Repeat violations will be presumed to be knowing violations and will be subject to stricter penalties, including a fine of up to $15,000.

County Administrator Henry said: “It is everyone’s responsibility to comply with CDC guidelines and Emergency Orders, including those related to facial coverings and social distancing. We cannot let our guard down if we hope to stop the spread of the virus and avoid the devastating economic impacts of a reopening rollback.”

Residents are strongly encouraged to help with the compliance process by reporting violations to MyBroward.Broward.org. Select “Request for Service,” enter the location of the violation, and select “COVID-19 Business Complaints” as the Type of Issue. You can also call the City of Deerfield Beach Code Enforcement Department at 954-480-4238, or the Broward County Call Center at 311 or 954-831-4000. Reports can be made anonymously.

For more information contact Broward County Media Liason, Lori Shepard, at 954-357-6944.