Home City Of Deerfield Beach Century Village Deerfield Beach-There Are Still Plenty Of Haters

Century Village Deerfield Beach-There Are Still Plenty Of Haters


Deerfield -News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Now after our recent post about Century Village and its history and those that hate villagers, some have posted their thoughts. This week’s post was the most read post of the month. Seems everyone has something to say about whether they hate “Villagers” because they are Jews or New Yorkers or bad drivers or all three.

Here is the history.

Century Village East, is one of the largest retirement communities in South Florida. It opened in 1979 on 800 acres with 8,508 units to sell, and they sold rapidly.
Comedian Red Buttons became the face of the over – 55 development. He touted inexpensive housing and all manner of recreational and social activities on television and in full-page newspaper ads. Initially, the owners targeted retirees in Miami Beach and brought them here in buses to experience the lifestyle. In a short time, that effort was directed to the northeast and retirees came in droves to enjoy a leisurely life and warm weather.
The community was built by Cenvill Development headed by Florida real estate developer Irwin Levy. Among the controversies that arose was the company’s insistence on owning the streets and utility lines. That resulted in friction over water rates that continues to this day.
A solidly Democrat stronghold, its voters were courted by political powers on the highest levels: Hilliary and Bill Clinton visited twice when he was president, Vice President Al Gore in 2000, President Barak Obama in 2011 and Vice President Joe Biden in 2012.” -Deerfield Beach City Website.

 Photo -Facebook Group-Samantha Dietz

Comments From Newsbreak.com where our story appeared-

·1d ago
I think you are talking Hasidic Jews. The w pray kind of Jew. They leave Williamsburg’s New York after they destroyed it, throwing garbage and excrement out their windows. They came to the village and made their own little section. Filthy looking wearing the same white shirt and black pants for weeks without showers. Women with unwashed hair under wigs. Disgusting… however not all Jews are unclean or thieves. I find less Jews as the elderly die off and more African Americans, Spanish and Argentines, as well as the seasonal Canadians.
Norman Kaplan
·1d ago
Hate, What hate, living here almost 20 years I have not come across
Norman Kaplan
·1d ago
In some case there there is people with Hate in their heart but not as an overall thing. From the pools to the show place or classes have I heard about the hate that you brought up. Yes, I heard about the sweet & low disappearing but that’s any where USA. Best place to live, a snowbird a northener or Canadian. It’s an ideal life.
User from FL
·10h ago
@Norman KaplanI’ve lived in Deerfield Beach for all my life (45 years) and let me tell you I’ve ALWAYS hated cemetery village and everyone that I know does too but definitely NOT because of Jews…because of the snowbirds… they can’t drive worth a damn, they think they are privileged which they are not, they are rude and inconsiderate, and yes that’s everyone in there. It is outdated and needs to go!
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  • I own a condo there and love it. Beautifully kept and Great amenities. Clubhouse theater pools variety of clubs and great entertainment
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  • Their property is not kept well and an eyesore! Nothing to do with race or religion. There is a social responsibility to keep up the property. Sad they didn’t support the golf course.
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  • Top Fan
    These people have worked all their lives and just want a small piece of paradise so leave them alone, I find it hard to believe a 75 to 80-year-old can bother you that much.
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    • 13h
  • Wow. Alot of negative comments. Lived there now 6 years. I’ve seen some units sell for almost $200k. Fits my lifestyle perfect. I’m a working senior. So I don’t have a lot of time to enjoy all of the amenities. But where else can you have affordable …

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  • if I saw the century village bus outside of publix….I would leave …the people were rude ,,,they would pump ni to you with their shopping carts & give you a look ….
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    • Bobbi Maniscalco

      lots of rude people here… as well as nice ones?

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    • unfortunately, this behavior is still going on ….go to Del-Ray Beach to the Boys …. its the most amazing place to shop ..but its dangerous shopping….they give samples of the fruits, they allow you to taste many of there wares ….but the rudenes…

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  • Well, I was just wondering when people were going to be looking to pick on something else! Pick, pick & pick! People are rude all over the place. It is not just in Century Village! It’s all over Florida, and other states as well. This topic just g…

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  • Wow this story is all about my mother.
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  • its not so cheap to live here now,,, now in the 4 story buildings a one bedroom one and a half baths go as high as 135,000
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  • Definitely some very nasty and hateful comments. Wow.
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Facebook The Old Pompano/Deerfield
  • Opened in 1974
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  • The death of Deerfield beach as I knew it
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    • badge icon
      Peter Roti

      very true!

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    • Peter Roti

      i know exactly what you mean . But when i turned 47 and divorced my mom and dad lived there and i stayed with them about 6 months. A one one was put up fore sale there. I was 50 at the time but was okd to purchasr it. I paid 18000 for it from the owner who financed for me. Paid it of in 18 months

      It gave a chance to get on my feet. And it not the same crowd as the 70’s. It changed my opinion of it
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    • If you knew all of it…..
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  • Oie vei
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  • Anyone remember “Kings Plate” Buffet Restaurant? I remember they had a sign in the foyer “Residents of Century Village
    are not welcome at Kings Plate”. Think it closed not too long after I saw saw the sign. Can you imagine if that had happened today…

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    • Joyce Lowery Briggs

      I remember

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    • I remember that ?
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    • I remember Duff’s Smorgasbord.
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    • Joyce Lowery Briggs

      they dropped a table cloth on the ground at the door of the bus and made all of them empty there pockets! Condiments, silverware, salt & pepwr shakers, linens! You name it if it wasn’t nailed down it walked off!

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    • I didn’t know that WOW!
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    • Kyle Ashleman

      I remember that.

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    • Kyle Ashleman

      . The same thing happened in Tamarac at David’s Buffet in the 80s. Condos and rental apartments nearby were occupied by an over 60 population.

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    • Philip Schuler

      duff’s was right across the street

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  • badge icon
    Cemetery Village. LOL
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    • Michael Helock

      ? hahahahahaha

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    • Michael Helock

      yup. That’s what we called it

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  • biggest group of shop lifters.They had to go to their own entrance not thru stores at the fashion square because none of the stores wanted them to walk thru
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    • Colleen Taylor

      they would come to Harris Imperial House to eat in large groups. Would steal everything they could from food off the buffet in there garbage bag lined beach bags to the salt and pepper shakers off the tables. Glasses, silverware, you nam…

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    • Bryan Silwanicz

      my dad was a cop in Pompano their bus went to the pantry pride store.Manager knew that someone had shoplifted but because of their age didn’t want to prosecute just wanted product back.Police officer got on the bus announces that the st…

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    • Colleen Taylor

      wow/ never heard those stories! My Mom lived there a few years/ it was nice/ but they did have a few commanders/ lol

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    • Bryan Silwanicz

      Harris Imperial House ?

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    • badge icon
      Colleen Taylor

      when I worked security for burdines I stoped the bus from leaving and escorted 5 off to the security office for shoplifting

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    • Steven Sherman

      I believe it. Burdines and Woolworth wouldn’t let them drop off they had to go to a side entrance in the back on the north side of the mall

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    • badge icon
      Colleen Taylor

      yep north door of burdines I would stand by the door and some of them would not get off the bus

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  • The century village folks put the kings plate out of business. They used to bring zip lock bags in and load up on food . Sugar and salt shakers too as well as silverware . Had a school friend that worked there
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    • I remember signs on restaurant doors saying Century Village residents not welcome.
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    • Jeanne Franklin

      that’s what my friend said that worked there . And also Deerfield Publix prohibited them from bringing in large bags .

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  • badge icon
    I had no idea that shop lifting became the biggest issue with this place. Lol. Do you all
    Think that Century Village aged the small town and deterred younger families from settling in Deerfield?
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    • Samantha Dietz


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    • Samantha Dietz

      no it was always a place to retire. Way before century village was built seniors were moving there.My grandparents had a house in Deerfield.

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  • I think it opened earlier than that…they had a very nice concert hall there and as a music major at FAU, we did a symphony concert there in ‘77. Century Village definitely changed the vibe of Deerfield when it came about
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  • Some of their residents were absolute criminals stealing from Publix and other retailers….they were banned from numerous businesses….the NY East Coast attitude….shameless…
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  • Red Buttons sued to get his name off the place due to its horrid reputation….
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  • I remember Red Buttons! Have a friend who lives there now.
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  • I remember the ads well.
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  • I’m shocked & saddened at how awful many of these people seem to have been!
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    • badge icon
      Chris Michelsen Corry


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  • sad, but my memory, is how many people were killed trying to cross Hillsborough Blvd. by just raising their hand as they crossed.
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    • badge icon
      Ronda Norwood-Sharlow


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    • Ronda Norwood-Sharlow

      Would they just walk into traffic?

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  • Does anyone recall the plan to build a training stadium for the Pittsburgh pirates baseball team in the late 60’s. It was defeated by the then city council and century village was approved for the same property soon after. Wonder what the difference w…

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  • I worked there in 1978 as a pool guard. part of a job was making sure the bathrooms were clean and stocked with toilet paper and hand towels. I learned a lot about anti-gravity because It wasn’t uncommon to enter the bathrooms and find shit on the wall…

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    • Trish Johnson

      they would drive cars into the pools, and robbed the stores and many restaurants would not let them in ..

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    • Trish Johnson

      Wonder why they were so trashy and would even steal silverware in resturants.

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  • That Red Buttons Place!
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  • Used to buss tables there.
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  • Maybe started with good intensions, but became an enclave of a certain kind of people who thought they were a cut above the rest of us. Rude, self important, God’s chosen!
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    • Craig Smith

      certain kind of people? My grandparents were there from the start.Certain kind of people is just a bigoted generalization of your stereotype of a Jew.

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    • Howard Levy

      Basically the Northeast versus the Midwestern values and attitude is really the characterization.

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    • Andrew Biazis

      that is not what Craig Smith meant.I was here in 1974 the anti semitism was too.I rode the bus to Pompano Fashion square I remember the comments they were not directed at New Yorkers …..

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    • …..I am from NY and that is what I used to get when they heard my accent……could pass for Jewish, but am Greek….
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  • City of Deefield Beach got swindled. Nice, affordable place though….0
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  • I work there to in70’s punch out installation stoves and refrigerate s
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  • Worked there for years!
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  • I thought it was a retirement place!! In the late 70s
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  • Used to have a decent golf course there, but it went out of business
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  • Chuck Zink did advertisements for Century Village.
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    • Sally Wood

      . SKIPPER CHUCK!!!!

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    • Larry William

      same person. Skipper Chuck was the name he had on his childrens show.

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    • Larry William
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  • Cemetery village we called it as a order taking local restaurant when I was a teenager
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  • I did lawn maintenance there in 1975
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  • I worked there in the early 70s
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  • Very different today
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  • Amen Goldy! I have lived here (CVE, Durham) for three years now, and I love it!! Wonderful Clubhouse with sooo many activities, Gym, classes, very good shows and entertainment, very well maintained by Seacrest Mgmt. Very friendly people. Many Canadians…

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  • It definitely had a bad reputation while I was growing up, but my mom has a place there now and I love. It’s so affordable and they have so many great amenities and activities. It’s like summer camp for seniors.
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  • Happy pouram
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  • They ruined the beach. We used to toss frisbee in front of hojos drink our PBR. They would come down and block the sidewalk with their chairs ( back then it was 4’wide). Call police on everyone
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    • They had a reputation for being selfish back in the day.
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  • I performed there so many times!
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  • Casket Village
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  • Not a nice thing to say about that place
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    • Frederick Woodruff

      . Truth always hurts.

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    • John Brooks

      the truth you cant han!le the truth

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  • Jurassic park villages
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  • I was in high school and the discussion was about Century Village. The volume of money pumped into the area over whelmed all of broward co. I still have a family member that still lives there
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  • badge icon
    strange–I worked thee too.grounds keeping
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  • Red Buttons was a great pitch man and one of the top comedians ever.
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  • Best place to live for the least amount of money
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  • It was like trying to get in to a prison as a SW years ago. ID Tag # County ID. and then strange looks as you drove pass the guardhouse. lol
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  • I remember fashion square refusing to let them unload their bus at Burdines because they said when they all came in as a crowd down the aisle they would shoplift
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  • Now it is people our age lol no gulf course and run down. A lot of us worked there when it was first built
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  • I bought a 1 bedroom there lived 5 years loved it
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  • I was a life guard there for three summers!
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  • When I worked in Sears I had a few negative experiences with the folks from the bus too.
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    • Only a few?
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      • 16h
    • Yes only a few. I worked in the cashiers office so unless someone wanted a refund or to cash their paycheck I did not deal with them.
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      • 16h
  • badge icon
    Yep, i remember when that was built too.
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    • 11h
  • Yes and the city had to glue everything down,because the old people stole so bad
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