Home City Of Deerfield Beach DWID-Driving While In Deerfield -Lane Closure-DWS-Driving Without Signals-DWO-Driving While Old-DWT-Driving While Texting

DWID-Driving While In Deerfield -Lane Closure-DWS-Driving Without Signals-DWO-Driving While Old-DWT-Driving While Texting


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-I-95 at rush our or any hour from now til April all Floridians experience these new hazards.Hillsboro Boulevard good luck with all the construction.Please pay attention to road signs merging lanes tomorrow there will be a lane closures.W Hillsboro Blvd. Lane Closure: The City of Deerfield Beach Environmental Services Department would like to notify residents that Hillsboro Blvd., between SW 3rd Ave. & SW 2nd Ave., will have 1 eastbound lane closure for Forcemain Valve replacement on Wednesday, November 15th from 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM.

DWO-Driving While Old. Those who should not be driving.We have covered these driving issues over and over.Truth is we have dangerous roads that have become more dangerous with the increase in our population, No mechanism for retesting elderly drivers,DWO who should not be driving,Unless a family member or friend physically take the keys away there is no mechanism for stopping elderly drivers who should not be driving that can pass an eye test.There is no retesting of driving skills and or ability.

DWT-Driving While Texting causing too many distracted drivers texting and driving.

DWS- Driving Without Signals my favorite pet peeve no use of a turn signal ,cutting in and out of lanes and you can not use your signal?

Please be careful and courteous out there and safe!